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The 3rd Grandmaster of the Knight Templars: Everard des Barres (? -1176)

Everard des Barres, also known as Eberhard von Barres or Eberhard De Bären was a French nobleman and Master of the Knight Templars in France In June 1147 he accompanied Louis VII, King of France between 1137 and 1180, during the Second Crusade (1145–1149),After the death of Robert de Craon in 1147 he was elected as the 3rd Grandmaster of the Order .His election was clearly influenced by the connection he had with King Louis VII. During a battle with the Seljuk Turks in Pisidia Everard saved King Louis life. After the failed Siege of Damascus in July 1148, the entire Crusader army retreated to Jerusalem. Louis returned to France and Everard, in charge of the king's treasury followed him. Everard's Templars stayed in the Holy Land to defend Jerusalem against a Turkish raid in 1149. Back in France, Everard resigned in 1152 as Grandmaster to become a monk at Clairvaux. He died shortly after 1176. He was succeeded by Bernhard de Tremelay 

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